Luxury beds
We are one third of Your life…
Luxury beds – Czech bed manufacturer
The name of our company is a word-play using the words ‘divine’ and ‘divan’ expressing our full commitment to make your dreaming in our beds a unique and out-of-this-world experience. By choosing one of our beds you are entering the realm of divine dreaming thanks to the nurturing comfort of high-quality natural materials, careful hand-crafting and original design of our products all combined to bring you calm and undisturbed rest.
Our team of enthusiastic professionals is always ready to provide you with full support when it comes to beds, bedding textiles and other accessories. Our sales personnel have gone through training programs with major bed producers and they all have extensive knowledge of our product lines. Besides our own products under the Divian Dream brand we are also exclusive distributor of luxury beds made by Dutch company Auping.
The success of our luxury beds is based combining time-tested traditional principles, the finest natural materials and modern technologies. Our beds work on the same principle as those that our ancestors slept in many decades ago. They are based on a spring system with all its advantages for a healthy and quality sleep. Just as in the past, we too believe in the positive influence of purely natural materials on our health and the quality of our sleep. The use of modern technologies, however, is essential in achieving true perfection.